Saturday, 3 February 2018

A psycho-analysis of smoking and tips on if you want to stop smoking

When we smoke and enjoy it, IMHO (in my humble opinion), we feel Loved and feel that we have friends. There is no reason to stop smoking in this case. Especially if we smoke together.

When we smoke and do not enjoy it, we feel we do not have friends or Love. But we are keener to smoke because we are sending out smoke signals seeking friends. There might be a reason to stop smoking in this case. I am not firm on this though.

If you want to stop smoking then start by thinking about your lifes' troubles. What you did, what you could have done better, what you wish now for the past and the future. This is called moral examination. When you have worked out these problems you will be free from any addiction. You may once in a while smoke a few times but it will be by choice rather than compulsion. You will enjoy life as you did years ago and feel a sense of ease in every thing. And this is the most important part of moral examination; trust in Jesus that He is by your side. Loving you, guiding you and saving you.

Happy smokes.

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