Wednesday 8 May 2024

Full disclosure about the ethics of Chop-Chop tobacco in Australia : 101

Chop-chop is legal in Australia because we have choice as to the ripeness of the plant / plants we use . The blue box indicates that the plant is not dead yet but has achieved full ripeness and is satisfying and has a cooling effect on the user .

The red box indicates full ripeness and death of the plant in the ground and has a mild heating and " nutritional " effect on the user .

Healthy humans can smoke either of these colours with the proviso that the environment that the user is in has recourse for the temperature / comfort effects . In extreme environments where life might be at risk the user should exercise caution . In habits of use there is rebound / " oppositional process theory " and spirituality to account for when considering your choice .

It is good to have consideration for what you are smoking ...

In Australia and most civilized countries we pay tax on smokes for the services we engage in our weaknesses of dealing with what we cannot deal with ourselves ...

Friday 1 March 2024

What happens when you breathe in fire smoke :

When we burn something it is releasing 1.) energy 2.) particles 3.) radiation 4.) vapour 5.) gases 6 .) what ever else . including liberated space . 7.) ect .

Smokers appreciate the space they are breathing in to their lungs . That is what lungs need most , space .

Sunday 19 December 2021

Another psycho-analysis of smoking and tip on controlling smoking too much :

Smoking is more enjoyable when we have achieved something . If you would like to smoke less traf and enjoy your smoke more ; try to only lighting up a cigarette when you have done some work .

Thursday 7 October 2021

Invitation to my Twitter site .

 I have made many good posts to . On that platform I may be found at @Christ1233X .

Sunday 3 October 2021

Beware of using tailor cigarette tobacco in rollies .

 Normal rolling papers are too short . When re-using tobacco use longer rolling papers .

Also beware of using any smoking material without proper guidance . It is a deep sea .

Friday 20 August 2021

Beware of the heat ... ( revised and modified 24-10-2023 )

Summer is coming so beware the heat of the noon day sun .

Also careful of the heat of cigarettes .


Additional note , 24-10-2023 : I have smoked tailor cigarettes for a while and they were usually good . I noticed however that I had a wheezing noise while breathing , lying down as I was going to sleep . I thought this might be due to the heat of the cigarettes . So now I am using pipes or rolling longer cigarettes . I noticed a difference in the feeling in my throat , less wheezing and less irritation .

Thursday 19 August 2021

Use an electric arc lighter ...

The hot from the lighting of a cigarette is also considerable . The flume of a flame lighter burns at ~600 Celsius . I am working on lighting pipes using electric arc lighters .