Wednesday 12 December 2018

Smoking : The healthy way to stay healthy

For my Friends ; I have returned to smoking . I get the cheapo under-the-counter tailor smokes and break them open and make rollies with a cheapo normal sized paper , menthol filter and rolling machine . It usually gives a good high .

Smoking controls parasitic worms , especially in the head region because the blood carries primarily to the head . So the highest concentration of the nicotine is in the brain then to the rest of the body . Which is what you want to avoid dementia and other dis-abilities of aging .
If you take the second best route of administration then you have higher concentrations in the gut and there for the worms move away from the gut to the other more vital portions of the body .

I had a bad reaction to a pack of found-on-the-ground tailors and thought there could be the possibility of lung tumour in my left lung . So I used my mental powers to cure it . I am now free from worry , disease and lung illness .

So smoke em' in good times and in bad . They help .

Thursday 24 May 2018

I have taken a break from smoking

I have returned to smoking after a weeks hiatus. Smoking again, I notice that I get high and a little light headed. It is a feeling of relief.

Monday 14 May 2018

I no longer enjoy the lottery of smoking

The first few smokes were sensational. Then it was all down hill from there. The addictive nature of smoking means you have to realize when you are not enjoying yourself anymore. I have reached this conclusion and I am quitting.


Saturday 21 April 2018

Smoking gives you a something to occupy your hands with while you are resting

Enjoy a rest while you are smoking. Either sit comfortably or stand relaxed to rest your bum. Attend to your paraphenalia and things before lighting up. Have a drink ready to wet your mouth and throut. The smoke will dry and bitter your mouth ready for a sweet drink. Occupying your hands allows you to think. This applies to any occupation that is safe and attenable and/or routine. While you are at ease your mind will become active. When you make a discovery you might feel a tingling in your body. This is the "high" of smoking. Smoke safely and you will have no guilt from it. Guilt is a very negative emotion. It causes disease.
Remember, as in all things, enjoy your smokes.

Monday 19 March 2018

Addend to advice about smoking; the first article on this blog. Advice about smoking extra long rollies.

Extra long rollies are safer than the short "standard" rollies. Smoke just enough to get a high then butt it out. Save the bumper for rolling another rollie. Always leave about three centimetres at the butt end so the smoke does not get too hot for breathing in.

Saturday 24 February 2018

Reading the labels on the packaging

If the packaging of the smokes has warnings about disease and illness caused by the product; do not buy it, do not smoke it. Get tobacco which does not cause illness. Get packets of smokes without the bad literature. What is written on the box is what is inside.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Taking a short break from smoking

If you feel that smoke in your lungs is causing you tiredness or sleepiness then taking time off from smoking may help. You may give yourself time to recover. You may then return at any time. Your choice.

Monday 5 February 2018

Further help for healthy smoking

The two main problems with smoking, brown or green, are heated vapours and tar.
The heat problem I have dealt with in my first article of this blog. The tar problem is harder to deal with. On the one hand you want to get some of the smoke in to your lungs. On the other hand you don't want to get the smoke in to your lungs.

One solution is "Vaping". That is using the new technology of essences mixed with a carrier, usually glycerol. Glycerol is a component of the body normally so it is not harmful. However most glycerol produced commercially comes from the abattoir floor so it is not Vegan. There fore most Vaping solutions are harmful.
Also the essences used in the solutions could contain substances which form tar when heated.

The other simpler and traditional solution is to use filter tips. These block most of the bigger lumps of smoke. But they also knock out some of the nicotine.
Roaches do not filter. Roaches are bits of paper or card which are folded or rolled in to a tip for the end of the cigarette.

The final and first solution which you may try is prayer. It works best.

Saturday 3 February 2018

A psycho-analysis of smoking and tips on if you want to stop smoking

When we smoke and enjoy it, IMHO (in my humble opinion), we feel Loved and feel that we have friends. There is no reason to stop smoking in this case. Especially if we smoke together.

When we smoke and do not enjoy it, we feel we do not have friends or Love. But we are keener to smoke because we are sending out smoke signals seeking friends. There might be a reason to stop smoking in this case. I am not firm on this though.

If you want to stop smoking then start by thinking about your lifes' troubles. What you did, what you could have done better, what you wish now for the past and the future. This is called moral examination. When you have worked out these problems you will be free from any addiction. You may once in a while smoke a few times but it will be by choice rather than compulsion. You will enjoy life as you did years ago and feel a sense of ease in every thing. And this is the most important part of moral examination; trust in Jesus that He is by your side. Loving you, guiding you and saving you.

Happy smokes.

Friday 2 February 2018

If you do not notice a high when smoking

Tobacco and most or all substances, is about relationships. If you do not get high from smoking your own bought tobacco it is because it was not acquired through Love. It was bought with cold, hard, impersonal money.
So : Always have tobacco ready to share or give away. If the person you give to is a friend you will get yours in reciprocation, if not immediately then delayed.
Be ready to give and be ready and willing to recieve.

Happy smokes.