Sunday 19 December 2021

Another psycho-analysis of smoking and tip on controlling smoking too much :

Smoking is more enjoyable when we have achieved something . If you would like to smoke less traf and enjoy your smoke more ; try to only lighting up a cigarette when you have done some work .

Thursday 7 October 2021

Invitation to my Twitter site .

 I have made many good posts to . On that platform I may be found at @Christ1233X .

Sunday 3 October 2021

Beware of using tailor cigarette tobacco in rollies .

 Normal rolling papers are too short . When re-using tobacco use longer rolling papers .

Also beware of using any smoking material without proper guidance . It is a deep sea .

Friday 20 August 2021

Beware of the heat ... ( revised and modified 24-10-2023 )

Summer is coming so beware the heat of the noon day sun .

Also careful of the heat of cigarettes .


Additional note , 24-10-2023 : I have smoked tailor cigarettes for a while and they were usually good . I noticed however that I had a wheezing noise while breathing , lying down as I was going to sleep . I thought this might be due to the heat of the cigarettes . So now I am using pipes or rolling longer cigarettes . I noticed a difference in the feeling in my throat , less wheezing and less irritation .

Thursday 19 August 2021

Use an electric arc lighter ...

The hot from the lighting of a cigarette is also considerable . The flume of a flame lighter burns at ~600 Celsius . I am working on lighting pipes using electric arc lighters .

Saturday 14 August 2021

You can smoke to the butt ...

if you mix the hot smoke in your' mouth with cool air .

Drag on the smoke and hold it in your' mouth . Then breathe in cool air into your' mouth and then in to the lungs .

This works best if you smoke thin cigarettes where not much hot smoke is generated . Do not breathe in too much hot . Standard cigarettes generate too much hot smoke for my liking . I smoke thin rollies .

The problem remaining is the heat of the fire on your' fingers and lips .

Friday 19 February 2021


Cocaine is a shrub native to the Americas . The natives use it for warding off tiredness . It has a pleasant stimulative effect . It is present in the leaves and other parts of the plant . The traditional method of ingestion is by chewing the leaves . This is the safest method . Making a drink is also safe . 

Cocaine powder is a cheap way of making an unsafe drug . HCl is used in the manufacture , often without proper measuring tools . The result is an acidic powder which when inhaled causes burning or corrosion of the nasal structures . This method is not safe .

Two real problems with smoking

Emphysema is a real problem with smoking too much . Under eleven smokes a day is manageable . 

The problem is that smoking is additive . You tend to want to smoke more and more . Also it can cause habits of breathing - too much or too little breathing .

So manage your time . Make sure you have enough hobbies and occupations . Do volunteer work , get out of the house , go for a walk , go to the park . Boredom leads to bad habits .