Friday, 26 July 2019

Thoughts on the problem of tar in the chest

Caffeine stimulates . It stimulates the heart and lungs . It may help the cilia in the lungs beat better . It may also elevate blood pressure .
Seratide may help the cilia in the lungs beat better . It may cause lower postural blood pressure .

I have found in combination with many other medications or drugs that Seratide does help with expectorating brown stuff from my chest .

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Some psychological effects of smoking which I notice

You may notice these as well or may notice other effects .

Smoking gives me stimulus and time and mood to think . Some times the best most beautiful thoughts-feelings-conjunctions come from having time to think . For example , just today , poetry in concept . I felt so so so good . Also smoking and the advice from the Holy Spirit or was it the tobacco and hemp plants in the cigarette ? The plants can also speak and give you good thoughts . You may recieve a tingling in your fetish areas , mine are around the back of the neck and head , from the goodness of the thoughts . I call this " getting high FT " - from tobacco .

The Topic of Cancer ( revised 24-10-2023 )

As has been expoused in Australia , smoking is statistically associated with Cancer / cancel your credit card . If you cannot control your spending habits then do not smoke . Smoking is highly addictive ; because it is so good / good for you . The only problem with smoking is we have to occupy our selves with other things besides smoking because to be sedentary too long is not good . Making smokes more costly in our territory has two sided effects ; 1.) it makes it more difficult to smoke with out breaking the budget / credit card / cancer but beneficially 2.) it deters children from smoking / however it deters responsible children from smoking as well .

" Use your filter , find a way " - The Artist WithIn , Julian Self .