Monday, 11 February 2019

Not all the problems associated with smoking have been solved

Some of the problems still associated with smoking are emphysema , tar in the lungs and second - hand smoke .
Emphysema occurs when hot smoke burns the lungs . Try not to smoke all the way to the butt . As a rule ; I try to leave two centimeters at the butt end .
Emphysema may also occur when tar clogs up the air sacs : Too much / frequent  or " heavy " smoking causes this problem .
One solution to heavy smoking is to occupy your - self with activities / work / house work and trips between smokes . Try not to smoke while walking or standing . When smoking ☩ relax , sit down and concentrate on getting " high " . Remember ; an interesting Life is one with variety .
Second - hand smoke is when youngsters breathe in a smokers effluvia . One way to deal with it is to have smoking areas and to smoke out side when youngsters are in the room .