Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Smoking : The healthy way to stay healthy

For my Friends ; I have returned to smoking . I get the cheapo under-the-counter tailor smokes and break them open and make rollies with a cheapo normal sized paper , menthol filter and rolling machine . It usually gives a good high .

Smoking controls parasitic worms , especially in the head region because the blood carries primarily to the head . So the highest concentration of the nicotine is in the brain then to the rest of the body . Which is what you want to avoid dementia and other dis-abilities of aging .
If you take the second best route of administration then you have higher concentrations in the gut and there for the worms move away from the gut to the other more vital portions of the body .

I had a bad reaction to a pack of found-on-the-ground tailors and thought there could be the possibility of lung tumour in my left lung . So I used my mental powers to cure it . I am now free from worry , disease and lung illness .

So smoke em' in good times and in bad . They help .