Tuesday, 14 November 2017

The plant of Giving Friendship

Tobacco was first discovered and used by the Native Americans. They new the secret to the plant. When given in friendship it has potency. Otherwise it is not effective. They had ceremonies where they would talk and make alliances and then smoke the Tobacco. Tobacco is the plant of giving friendship.

Friday, 20 October 2017

Don't smoke alone

As with all things in Life, smoking and drinking (water based liquids, alcohol, coffee) and food should be taken with a friend. Smokes are for sharing.
When putting a cup down for yourself on the table, put one extra for Jesus; your constant friend.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Advice about smoking #2

IMHO Smoke a cigarette just enough to get a buzz then butt out and stop smoking. Do not overdose. Symptoms of overdose from tobacco include dizziness and headache and vomiting.
There is more tobacco in a normal cigarette than is necessary for enjoyment. Butt out when you get the feeling then save the end for rolling a new cigarette later.

Saturday, 9 September 2017

A few physiological effects of smoking which I notice

Smoking has various effects on my physiology. You may notice these same effects as well or other effects.

1. Stimulation of at the rear of the head. I get a feeling at the rear of the inside of my head. It is pleasurable. Possibly due to stimulation of the muscles of the blood vessels causing constriction of the blood vessels.

2. I find that smoking helps me be more aware of my breathing.

3. Smoking helps control the feeling of dryness in my mouth. Useful when on certain medications which cause excessive saliva or dry mouth.

4. Tobacco is a laxative. Useful when on some medications which cause poor gut mobility or are excreted.

Note to newbies to my blog: Please read my previous blog about safety when smoking. It is at: http://adviceaboutsmoking.blogspot.com.au/2017/04/introduction-to-smoking.html

Friday, 28 April 2017

Introduction to Smoking ( revised 24-10-23 )

Welcome to Uncle Anh Phungs' safety advice about smoking.

   If you just have to smoke then do it as safely as possible.

1. Lighting a cigarette.

My advice is "Do not breathe in the flume of the lighter flame."
This may sound confusing. However when you hold a cigarette in your mouth and light it by drawing in, then you are breathing in the gases of the lighter flame. A better way is holding the cigarette in your fingers and holding the flame to the end of the cigarette. Only when there is ignition of the tobacco should you then put out the lighter and then puff on the cigarette.

2. Smoking just enough and leaving the butt.

My advice is not to smoke all the cigarette. This is because when you get to the filter end, the smoke is not as cool as you would like. Too hot to breathe in to your lungs. As a guide, leave about two centimeters at the butt end.
With the short "standard" rollies leave half the cigarette at the butt end. Save the bumper and use the tobacco to roll a new rollie.With extra "long" rollies leave about five centimetres at the butt end.

An explanation of why I give this advice.

When you breathe in hot smoke or flume then it will burn the throat and lungs. This may lead to emphysema or other problems.
Also the heat dries out the mucus lining on the inside of the lung causing damage to the lung.
Heaters used during winter also cause this problem, sometimes called the flu.